This system is based on TMS320F28335, Digital Signal Controller, from TI. There are two modules in this system. One is DSC (Digital Signal Controller) Module with TMS320F28335, ADC, DAC, Buffers and Bus Expansion Connectors. The Other module is called Carrier Module with Stepper Motor Drivers – 4 channels, CAN Transceivers, LVDS Transceivers, RS422 Receivers for Encoder Interface, Keypad Interface, PWM I/Os, RS323 Transceivers and TEC (Thermo Electric Cooler) Driver. The DSC Module plugged into Carrier board to get a platform for different application like Stepper Motor control application, BLDC Moto Control Application, Laser Diode Driver and additionally this board provides 5-Serial channels with RS232 Transceivers. The Below Block Diagrams shows different interfaces available with the system.